
Building new underground stations offers an opportunity to redesign, and thus upgrade, surrounding areas and streets.

New green spaces are created, pavements widened and road crossings improved. Other facilities are also added such as fountaons, benches, bicycle stands, bike-sharing stations, car-sharing and taxi stands.

All this is planned in close coordination with district officials from the very beginning.

Vienna’s first two pedestrian zones were created in the 1970s at the same time that the underground was built: Graben and Kärntner Straße.

Proposals for the surroundings

Proposals for the surrounding area include upgrading bicycle connections, reconfiguring intersections in favor of non-motorized traffic (nMIV), and greening measures.

The measures are divided into those that could be implemented as part of the restoration of the road surfaces (mostly framed in red in plans) and those that are intended as additional design measures (mostly framed in blue in plans).

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